"...but not in my backyard!"
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It’s a wonderful day for a backyard barbecue. Friends will be arriving soon. They are looking forward to a day of good friends, good food & fresh air. Fresh Air? Take a good whiff. Phew… your backyard smells like a zoo & you’re serving food out there?
There’s a dog in your family. Anyone with a nose can tell. Your dog has been "using" your backyard for his own personal toilet since the day you brought him home & your ground has soaked up every bit of it. Even though you pick up the waste the smell still remains. When you water or when it rains, the smell gets even worse. It’s so bad now that every time the wind flares up your neighbors threaten to move your home next to the city zoo. You’re a homeowner & you know that landscape greatly affects the value of your home, so do something now before your equity "go to the dogs".
N’Chanted Garden (Pet Waste Digester & Odor Control Formula) is a multi blend of enzymes packaged as a water soluble powder. Just add one pouch into your hose sprayer & N’chanted Garden will soak into the soil & the enzymes will slowly mulitply until they outnumber the bacteria, germs & odors from your pet’s solid waste & eventually absorb & digest them into history. N’Chanted Garden will reverse the damage done by years of saturated manure & urine.

N’Chanted Garden is extremely concentrated & quite cost effective. Our enzymes are safe to spray on any surface, including driveways, walkways, flowers & shrubs. In a spray bottle, you can even treated indoor carpet, where accidents left their scent. So effective, you can even treat clothes sprayed by skunks!

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CONTROLS FLIES TOO!- once N’Chanted Garden succeeds in digesting feces & odors flies will no longer be attacted to your animal waste. No flies, no fly eggs or maggots to be tracked back into your home on the soles of your pets or kids.

PEACE ON EARTH!- Now you’re really ready for that barbecue & friends are on their way, but don’t forget to invite your next door neighbors because now that you have N’Chanted Garden you can all live "happily ever after".