We were just about to sell off our land...
"Our little land is our whole life. We raise our family on it, we raise our living on it, too. Year after year, we planted crops. We thought we were taking care if our land. We fertilize, we rotate crops, we add new top soil, we did all we thought was good for our little piece of earth. But, every year we were sending less product to market. We were forced to compost dead & weak produce, we found ourselves laying off workers who depended on us for work.
Last summer we received a visit from a cousin from the west. I was embarrassed by the look on his face after looking over our field. But, he was quick to tell me of your company that specialized in natural solutions. He found you when looking for a natural solution to their pet problems. He took me to your website and when we left I knew something good was going to happen.

I am now in my third growing season using R.E.A.P. Our crop yield is now almost 100% now. And we have put all of our workers back on the payroll. Our soli is the richest I have ever seen. The proudest part of my day is morning time, just to stand on my porch and look over my family's land... All of it green, all still ours.

T. Saunders,        Georgia (USA)

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