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"Fleas are gone from our lives forever. Nope, we are not on any pills or collar programs, we’re not drug users. And we are living quite well without all those collars sprays, dips, powders, insecticides & bombs, thankfully, we no longer have to live with chemicals. We just get a little pinch of AVOID (Natural Flea Prevention Formula) in our breakfast & that’s it. Really, that is all we do & the fleas just don’t seem to like us anymore.
It used to be easy for us to attract fleas. A slightly unhealthy lifestyle or poor diet could give us dull or bad skin making that great fodder for fleas & other parasites. Simple play in grass or shrubs was a great place for fleas & ticks to hop on, then our dry, scaly spots became a great place for fleas to attack. When they bit us, we often got an allergic reaction & scratched ourselves giving them more places to feed on & also a great place to lay eggs, which we brought into the house & shared with you, this happened day-after-day & everyone was miserable.
We’re happy to forget those days when you attacked us with all those toxic poisons. We know you thought you were doing the right thing but we were just licking this stuff off & eating the poison. Then there were those days when you thought planting flea bombs, spraying insecticides & sprinkling carpet chemicals would kill the fleas. It may have killed some fleas but you made the whole family suffer by inhaling in all that toxic poison which landed on the furniture, bedding, carpet & drapes. It’s not good for us pets to breath that stuff & the rest of the family, including the baby was crawling around with that poison on the floor, toys & games, we were sure happy you finally found a natural solution for our flea prevention.
AVOID is a natural prevention to flea attacks. Formulated with a special herbs, extracts & botanicals mixed into a proprietary blend to become your 100% all natural solution to preventing flea attacks. AVOID treats your pets from the inside out to improve their overall health by working to put fresh oxygen into their blood stream, remove toxins & internal parasites while improving & repairing their skin, hair, eyes & overall health. The results? A happy, healthy pet that just does not seem to attract anymore fleas.
Go ahead, comb through our hair & take a real close look… Dead eggs or alive fleas, they’re just not there anymore. We don’t bring them in the house, so they threw away all those chemicals. We don’t get bit, so let us on the furniture. We won’t keep the whole family awake at night with our horrible chewing & gnawing at fleas & no more shots or pills. Our people throw away all those poisons & used the savings to buy us lots of new toys. Now fleas just AVOID us because we’re just not attractive anymore...
...and that’s just the way we like it !!!